> 文章列表 > 春节家人团聚什么意思英文





Reunite with families


A family reunion, eat together, feel happy


We are happy when we gather as a family


Family reunion refers to the gathering of all family members to spend quality time together.


A family gathering, sharing a meal, and enjoying each other\'s company


Family, house, and home are related to the concept of \"家\" (home) but have different meanings and usages. Family refers to \"家庭、家庭成员\" (family, family members) and is unrelated to the house one lives in. House refers to \"房屋、住宅\" (house, residence) and generally refers to the building where a family resides. Home encompasses a broader emotional and personal aspect, representing a place of comfort, belonging, and warmth.


1.春节是家人团聚的日子,压轴戏是举办一顿丰盛的年夜饭。- Spring Festival is a time for family reunion, and the highlight is hosting a lavish New Year\'s Eve dinner.-




A family gathering, dining together, and harmoniously enjoying each other\'s company. In an essay, we can illustrate the joyous atmosphere of family reunions, where everyone comes together to share a meal and create beautiful memories that will last a lifetime.

house vs home?-沪江网校知识库

House refers to \"房屋、住宅\" (residential building) and typically denotes the physical structure where a family resides. For example, \"There are many new houses in our village.\" Home, on the other hand, has a deeper emotional connotation and represents a place of comfort, belonging, and familiarity. It goes beyond the physical structure and encompasses the emotional attachment and personal memories associated with a particular place. For example, \"There\'s no place like home.\"

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