> 文章列表 > 如何向人拜年英文




The Spring Festival is a very interesting thing. In the morning, people wake up very early and take extra care in preparing themselves for the day. They put on their best clothes and make sure they look their best to greet the new year.


1. I wish all my friends a happy New Year. It is important to show our friends that we care about their well-being and happiness during this special time of the year.
2. I will wish my friends a happy New Year by phone. In today\'s digital age, we can easily reach out to friends who are far away and send them our warm wishes for the new year.


There are various ways to express New Year wishes in English. Here are a few examples:
1. \"Good luck, good health, and good cheer. I wish you a happy New Year.\" This is a common and heartfelt phrase that encompasses well wishes for the recipient\'s overall happiness and success in the coming year.
2. \"With best wishes.\" This is a simple and concise phrase that is often used to end a written or spoken message of New Year greetings. It is a way to convey warm thoughts and genuine goodwill to the recipient.
3. \"May the new year bring you joy, prosperity, and success.\" This is a more elaborate wish that emphasizes the desire for the recipient to experience happiness, financial well-being, and achievements in the upcoming year.


1. 拜年 (bài nián): \"to pay New Year\'s greetings\" or \"New Year visit\"
2. 利是 (lì shì): \"red envelope\" or \"lucky money\"
3. 年夜饭 (nián yè fàn): \"New Year\'s Eve dinner\" or \"reunion dinner\"
4. 大年三十 (dà nián sān shí): \"Chinese New Year\'s Eve\" or \"the last day of the year\"
It is important to learn and understand these words in order to have meaningful conversations and interactions during the festive season.